POST OFFICE BOXES: For those who cannot conveniently receive mail at home the post office box is the answer. But there is something you must remember: It is illegal to take out a box in a ficticious name. It is not, however, illegal to receive mail in a ficticious name. Therefore, take the box in your own name and just tell the window clerk that Mr. or Mrs., or Miss so and so will also be receiving mail in the box. Then you can use any name you want masculine or feminine.




For a small fee the publication in a daily newspaper and to pay the county registration can register a ficticious business name like "Jones TV", or "Acme Products Co.", etc. Having such a ficti- cious name you can get a postbox for that firm. You can also get a checking account for it.

CHECKING ACCOUNTS: To get a checking account in a bank, you have to give considerable information about yourself, often including a bank reference---where you have banked previously. Since your femmeself has no credit standing this is difficult. There are two solu- tions: One is the ficticious name or "DBA" approach mentioned above in which your "sister" is the treasurer or some such and therefore will be the one to sign the checks. It is well to make your own true name or another a ficticious name one of the owners of the account too so that checks can then be signed by both. I estab- lished my ficticious names two at a time by register- ing myself as doing business as "Charles Prince, Editor Chevalier Publications." When this notice is printed you get several copies. You take one to the bank and they will then open the account. Thus I have a Chev. Pubs. account on which Charles Prince signs and a personal account which can be signed by either Charles Prince or Virginia Bruce.